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Principal's Welcome

Dress Code


Flynn and O’Hara Uniform Company (Click here to Access Website)

The Elementary School gym clothing that all students are required to wear to gym is to be purchased from the Elementary school office.



GIRLS (grades K-4):
Light blue Peter Pan collar blouse (long or short sleeve), red crossbow tie, uniform plaid jumper, navy blue knee socks or tights and sturdy dress shoes.  

GIRLS (grades 5-6):
Plaid uniform skirt with light blue uniform blouse (long or short sleeve), Notre Dame uniform v-neck sweater vest, navy blue knee socks or tights and sturdy dress shoes.  Clogs, sandals or flip-flops are not allowed.

GIRLS SUMMER UNIFORM (grades K-6) – optional:
Navy blue uniform skort (knee length) with light blue Notre Dame golf shirt, navy blue knee socks and sturdy dress shoes. Clogs, sandals or flip-flops are not allowed.

GIRLS WINTER UNIFORM (grades K-6) – optional:
Navy blue uniform slacks may be worn during the winter season (Nov. 1 through April 1) with the uniform blouse, (tie for grades K-4) and navy Notre Dame v-neck sweater vest.  No dangling earrings or body piercing allowed.  Single post earrings are allowed for girls only. Clear nail polish only.


BOYS (grades K-6):
Light blue collared shirt (long or short sleeves), navy blue uniform slacks, plaid uniform tie, navy blue v-neck sweater vest and sturdy dress shoes.  Belt must be worn to keep shirt tucked in at all times.  Boys may wear knee length uniform navy blue Bermuda style shorts with the light blue Notre Dame golf shirts between April 1 and November 1.  No earrings, chains, body piercing or fad haircuts allowed.  Hair must be 1 inch above eyebrow and must not touch the collar.


Although jewelry is not a part of the school uniform, post earrings of a small and conservative style are permitted to be worn by girls (one earring only in each ear).  Boys are not permitted to wear earrings.  Bracelets, both ankle and wrist, rings, pins and buttons are not a part of the school uniform.  This includes all rope, yarn and beaded neck, wrist and ankle bands.  A watch with no distracting beeps, alarms or sounds may be worn.  All necklaces must be worn under the uniform blouse/shirt.

Cosmetics of any kind are not permitted.  (This includes fingernail polish and press-on nails/imitation nails.)  Clear fingernail polish is acceptable.

Out of Uniform
If at any time during the year an exception in uniform is necessary, a note of explanation must be sent to the child’s teacher who will forward it to the principal.  This note should indicate the expected date by which the uniform will be complete.

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